Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

in mexico hungarians are the gypsys

i don't know is it only a legend, but they call in méxico gypsys húngaros (hungarians in normal spanish, gitanos is the word for gypsys). i have found some spanish pages stateing it: 1, 2 but my spanish is too poor to understand it 100 pro.
about possible explanations:
1. maximilian i of mexico, a habsbourg king has collected some hungarian gipsys and took with him there.
2. the word 'magyar' (hungarian in hungarian) is similar to magic and as gipsys were on the journey in latin-america with circuses - that has lead to miss-understandings.
in gabriel garcia márquez's one hundred years of solitude there was also a scene telling how miraculous people in the middle of nowhere the visit of these magic gypsy circus found.
+ a hungairan guy visiting méxico told he is 'húngaro' - and locals asked him to do palm reading.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

four tet

i have found the music of four tet and i'm amazed about it. surfing on the net i've found a hungarian album review which tells that four tet stands really close to hungarians 'cause only neruotic people like us or people that stand close to become neurotic listen to this kind of music. thx...

new reason for visiting hungary

sexes institut found it out that prostitutes are the cheapest in europe in budapest - 66 euros per hour - even cheaper like in bucharest.

Friday, April 18, 2008

strike is fun

after last strike and mega traffic jam everyone went out of the city or stayed at home, there was absolutly no traffic, like a sunday morning. and the fun is you can bike on the tram tracks without stessing when the tram is coming.
and the strike is maybe changing the people and more people will start to bike.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

hungary disappeared!

the Great Friend of Hungarians, jan slota and his slovak national party (sns) had this revised europe map on their homepage. he may thought he did something wrong against hungarians with that but for me it would be fun to live in austria, but i would need my pass to go to work from buda to pest every day. i think he just could make the austrians pissed with this plan: they won't be happy with transdanubia.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

hungary is going to be like france!

i have discovered in the last years there is a big aspiration in the hungarian to be like the french. it started with riots protesting on the streets and in that field the student grew greater, nowdays we have more ritoing. Since a half year railway workers started to feel also they have to strike, which is also very typical for france - now they did 5 strikes in the last time. the public transport workers did not wanted to stay so uncool, so they have started the striking season also. but we can improve other nations traditions - now railway and public transport of budapest are striking together, this friday for the second time.
maybe this strike will push the people not to ride their cars, but switch to bike and maybe later we can copy something useful from the french: like the velo system.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Auroville: a place where communism works

with the right people you can build up a functioning communist community: check it here.

Friday, April 11, 2008


If I were fire, I would burn the world;
if I were wind, I would bestorm it;
if I were water, I would drown it;
if I were God, I would hurl it into the deep;

If I were Pope, I would be happy,
as I would harry all Christians;
if I were emperor, do you know what I would do?
I would chop off the heads of the lot of them.

If I were death, I would go to my father;
if I were life, I would run from him,
and I would do the same for my mother.

If I were Cecco, as I am and have been,
I would take for myself all the young and pretty women,
and leave the lame and ugly for others.

Cecco Angiolieri, 1997

waiting for the storm

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

love is in the cigarette

i was just walking back from dinner and in front of the job center i've heared the following conversation (A: alcoholic, 40 years old lady, drunk; B: alcoholic, 50 years old gentleman, slightly drunk)
A: hey, give me a cigarette!
B: why would i? if i give you should kiss me
A: just give me a mother fucking cigarette
B: than you have to kiss me!

unfortunately i did not saw what was the end of the deal...

Thursday, April 3, 2008

today's song

Wednesday, April 2, 2008