Wednesday, April 23, 2008

in mexico hungarians are the gypsys

i don't know is it only a legend, but they call in méxico gypsys húngaros (hungarians in normal spanish, gitanos is the word for gypsys). i have found some spanish pages stateing it: 1, 2 but my spanish is too poor to understand it 100 pro.
about possible explanations:
1. maximilian i of mexico, a habsbourg king has collected some hungarian gipsys and took with him there.
2. the word 'magyar' (hungarian in hungarian) is similar to magic and as gipsys were on the journey in latin-america with circuses - that has lead to miss-understandings.
in gabriel garcia márquez's one hundred years of solitude there was also a scene telling how miraculous people in the middle of nowhere the visit of these magic gypsy circus found.
+ a hungairan guy visiting méxico told he is 'húngaro' - and locals asked him to do palm reading.

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